Friday, October 4, 2013

"Microsoft wants Windows Phone on Android devices HTC '-

Photo: HTC

, reports Bloomberg based on various anonymous sources.

The talks were still ongoing and there is still no decision. The initiative comes from Microsoft that the intervention hopes to achieve.

more market share for Windows PhoneHTC

The company would have offered little or having to pay so Windows Phone on Android devices can be offered. virtually no free licenses The system would be available in addition to the Android operating system.

HTC was the first manufacturer to a device with Windows Phone released and also sold the first Android device. Since June, the Taiwanese company announced Windows Phone device if not more. HTC may also benefit from a new strategy. The increasing competition from Apple and Samsung has created the first loss ever.

calls from Microsoft would be part of a broader action to convince manufacturers to continue to use Windows Phone. Microsoft announced last month Nokia to take over. This has to do. The possibility own Windows Phones

To convince them that they still play a role in the control system manufacturers have CEO Steve Ballmer and other senior employees of Microsoft in recent weeks had talks with the phone makers, said the sources.

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