Saturday, October 5, 2013

HTC One Mini review -

The HTC Mini One is the little brother of the HTC One, but has almost as much to offer. What you actually get when you go for “the next best thing ‘and can thus be? How satisfied took the HTC One Mini extensively examined.

The first thing you notice about the HTC Mini One is that he is not actually that ‘mini’ is. That’s not really a disadvantage, because the HTC One fits perfectly in your hand. In appearance, the device is very much like the HTC One. The big question is: where the Mini differs basically from its big brother? One question you can answer if you look at what the HTC One Mini the user.

actually has to offer only


There is a thing like a sore thumb: the case of the HTC One Mini is firm. The device is quite heavy, which gives a high quality feel. At the front we find both above and below the screen an aluminum strip, with with both a speaker for Tree Sound technology. In the upper strip are also still the front-facing camera, a number of sensors and a notification LED included.

At the back is found, together with the LED flash on the camera. The HTC One shines next to the camera, here we have chosen a place above the lens. The back is made of aluminum, also divided into three parts. We noticed that arose soon small hairline cracks in the thin plastic strips. We have below a picture of it. Those hairline cracks in plastic enclosures are not new. The most famous victim is probably the iPhone 3G. The plastic back of the phone was plagued by cracks. Pity manufacturers still face after so many years with that problem.

HTC One Mini

On the side you’ll find on the left, the SIM card slot. Right to find the volume buttons but not the power button. He’s just out of reach, top left. This is in the beginning to get used to, because most phone manufacturers choose to install. The button on the side If you have the phone with one hand holding, it is quite difficult to reach the button. It is the only button that you can use, because the Mini has no home button where you can also turn on the device along. In the absence of that button we come back later.


The display is not really mini. With 4.3 inch is actually a very nice size. With your fingers you can easily reach every corner of the screen, even if you do not have hands the size coal shovel. The resolution of 1280 by 800 pixels, we see more often in smartphones, but in many cases is larger than the screen. This resolution at this size as a result, the number of pixels per inch still representing an impressive 342. Above 300, it is no longer possible to distinguish individual pixels. To the human eye That focus is, therefore undeniably. Even with the brightness is it mustache. Which can of course be adapted automatically, but the maximum brightness is most important. That determines whether you can read. A screen in bright sunlight off The HTC Mini One is that the maximum brightness no problem. The conclusion is that the screen is awfully little to criticize. It is sharp, the size is nice, it’s good to read, even in bright sunlight. The color fastness is obviously not as good as with an AMOLED screen, but a muggenzifter who overcomes.

Among the metallic hood


The phone is not only a touchscreen and a sleek metal enclosure. The beating heart of the HTC One Mini is under all that metal and plastic. In this case, the calculation kernel a 1.4 GHz dual-core processor. Not really a powerhouse, when you consider that most phones come with a quad-core processor today. Yet the HTC One Mini is pretty easy going. The unit flies nice through the menus back and runs all applications without having the idea that the phone has trouble with it. On paper, the Mini One or less impressive, in practice, the device though.

HTC One Mini

The internal memory is still a downside that we should dots. HTC has chosen to equip with a memory of 16 GB. Has the One Mini from Well that fact in itself is not so shocking, but keep more manufacturers that capacity. Difference is that most manufacturers also choose to offer. MicroSD card slot HTC does not in the Mini, so you are stuck with the limitations of 16 GB. Then it’s suddenly a lot less acceptable for Android there also takes a big bite out. In practice, you do so only around 10 GB on to laying out. Itself full If you’re a bit of an enthusiast, or a music lover Be it film, walk quickly to the boundaries of the limited storage memory.


HTC has Android 4.2 topped with a Sense sauce. Sense 5.0 to be exact, exact same version as the HTC One. Which has a number of tricks, but just as many cases impractical. Useful Blink Feed, for example, once you have set up for that. You get in one easy list to see all your social media streams combined with news of a category of your choice. The categories and news can be adjusted to your own preference. Highly Would you for example have tech news Tweakers but not Allabout Phones? Simply a matter of putting check marks.

Impractical is the application list. Per page, there are very few apps displayed, so you may have to scroll to find. The right app awfully far HTC has also omitted the ‘recent app’ menu. Close an app so you off, then you can not be easy to return. It makes multitasking unnecessarily difficult and at times quite annoying.

Our Mini HTC One seemed to be some software glitches. occasionally plagued The music stopped occasionally without warning them, and we have also seen that the network connection suddenly dropped, even gave the Mini that the compound was a full five bars strong. Minor flaws, which nevertheless affect the user experience. It is hoped that this solves HTC. It could also be that we have just had a bad copy but we mention it anyway.

HTC One Mini


The camera provides no punishment to use. Like the HTC One is equipped with a Mini Ultra-Pixel camera. In practice, that camera shoots very nice pictures. The light balance is sometimes a bit lost, but almost all the pictures are sharp and true color. What also stands out in a positive sense is that the camera very fast startup. A good photo opportunity is often quickly, so a fast-booting camera app is essential if you want to make nice pictures. Focusing is also relatively easy, though it is taking a picture within two or three seconds in all chirp. But pictures say more than 1000 words, so look especially at the examples below.

HTC One Mini photo  HTC One Mini photo HTC One Mini foto HTC One Mini photo

Cute to the camera app, the Mini is the ability to create. a ‘Zoe’ We already knew that the HTC One, but has introduced the Mini. A Zoe is a picture which is actually a movie of 3 seconds. It’s a fun new way of photos. When Zoe you see what happens after the picture is taken, something with static pictures of course remains hidden. It remains amusing to see how people set up a Paradontax-smile for a photo, while also eroding. Again in the same Zoe It is also possible to shoot with Zoe quickly, without you all need to activate them. Panorama mode, a small Course can also make movies, and so does the Mini with the same high quality that the photos are shot. The only thing that you do not have to try is zooming. This actually results only in blocky and jerky picture. See below for a brief preview of the camera capabilities of the HTC One Mini.

Price proportional to quality?

The quality is high, there is nothing to bargain. The price is of course something to bargain, in a figurative sense then. The price is currently just under 400 euros, which is still a lot of money for a phone. The competition, especially the Samsung Galaxy Mini S4, is more than 50 euros cheaper. There you will obviously less quality in return. The HTC One Mini is in fact, especially if you look at the housing, in terms of quality a step up from the S4 Mini. If you want to buy, the big brother of the Mini, you have almost 200 more lost. The Mini is thus especially competitor of the HTC One who actually except a larger screen and a better processor on virtually the same features as the Mini business. If the Mini had been 50 euros cheaper the unit was also been a good competitor for devices of the same price range, while now mainly competes in the product range of HTC.

HTC One Mini


conclusion, you can say that the HTC One Mini is an excellent phone. Anyone who has the device in his hands for the first time, is impressed. This is largely the responsibility of the sturdy housing. That good first impression remains, however, hang, because in other areas, the Mini never actually really disappointed. The software has bugs here and there, but also are pluses. The screen is gorgeous and the phone works very smoothly and quickly. There is nothing on the HTC One Mini we really dissatisfied, and that’s pretty. Due to the consistent high quality Mini scores well in most categories. The only thing we really have to complain about what is the price you pay for all that quality. If HTC would ask for the Mini 50 euros less people would be crazy if they choose. For another phone Now it’s still not a bad choice, but the competition is so fierce in the price range up to 400 euro that we do not necessarily recommend the HTC dare. Nevertheless, the Mini One a device which we can say that it somehow will not go wrong.

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HTC One Mini?

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