Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HTC worked with Microsoft to smart watch - tweakers.net

HTC has worked with Microsoft to a smart watch, but the product was never released. That says CEO Peter Chou. The manufacturer also now working again ‘wearables’, but that does not seem yet to come.

out soon

Chou said in an interview with Financial Times no details of the smart watch that was developed by Microsoft and there are no pictures of the device. Given the relationship with Microsoft that will have taken place between 2007 and 2011, at the time of Windows Mobile 6 or Windows Phone 7. The smart watch from HTC is never released.

HTC is working on a tablet, as confirmed by the Director. The manufacturer spent 2.5 years ago for the last one tablet in the Netherlands, the 7 “Flyer. Taiwanese smartphone maker wants his tablets bring something new.” When the tablet comes out brings something nice and dislocated ends, “said Cher Wang top woman HTC in the same interview.

Smart Watches are yet no value, Chou claims, because it is too early and many products have the status of a gimmick. “It should addresses a need, otherwise it is not intended to be a gimmick or concept and for everyday life. This creates an opportunity for us. People laughed at us when we came up with the first smartphone and now everyone has a smartphone. I know almost certain that it will go with ‘wearables’ the same, but do not judge it on what is currently available. “

HTC is in financial dire straits, according to Chou by lost market share in mid-range smartphones. By a reduction in the value the company has become a potential takeover candidate. It was recently rumored that Lenovo HTC wants to take over. Chou according to Reuters would have transferred to focus on product development.

Wang himself more to some of its tasks in the field of marketing and sales

HTC Flyer

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