Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"HTC closes part production '- Connexie

Published: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
By: Joost Biederman

The Taiwanese phone manufacturer HTC has one of its four production lines, approximately one fifth of its total production, were put on hold. This is a cash flow problem due to disappointing sales results. That set usually knowledgeable anonymous sources in a news spread by the American news agency Reuters.

HTC earlier this year include three new smartphone models are so-called ‘flagship series’ marketed. The sale of the conscious members of the ‘One’ family has remained below expectations, according to the Reuters sources. The official financial report of HTC shows that the company has had with the cash flow in June this year has dropped to a negative peak (-707.27 million U.S. dollars).

its first unprofitable quarter recently

production would decrease in numbers are expressed on a sloppy one million smartphones per month. According to Reuters, this is due to the non-active putting an HTC factory goes through life as’ H Building. “From August this year HTC would also, to restore, consider selling two underutilized manufacturing facilities in China and Taiwan. The money flowing Asked for a reaction, let HTC Reuters know that no production or experiencing cash flow problems. The Taiwanese manufacturer states that the ‘continuous look at things like production “and if necessary adjusting.

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