Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"HTC Android smart watch in 2014 '- NU.nl

Photo: Nutech / Joost Nederpelt

, reports Bloomberg least based on various anonymous sources.

HTC hinted Monday in an interview itself to the arrival of a smart watch and tablet. However, the company also stated that it is too early to bring.

the smart watch out

According to the sources of Bloomberg is the watch being, therefore, not on the market. The Taiwanese company would focus on a launch in the second half of 2014. Around that time is also expected the Apple iWatch.

Samsung and Sony already have a smart watch on the market. Sony goes even for a second model while the new Galaxy Gear is the first watch of Samsung.

The sources say that the price and other functionalities are not yet known. Up to now, it is clear that only the HTC-smart watch on Android running and receive a camera.

What we already know the iWatch?

Which smart watch is better, the Galaxy Gear or Sony SmartWatch 2?

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