Monday, October 21, 2013

HTC working on tablet and smart watch - XGN Entertainment

By Manon Bimbergen, October 21, 2013 at 13:00 | Digital

HTC is working on making a smart watch and tablet. HTC CEO Peter Chou is convinced that a smart watch is as popular as a smartphone.

That’s Peter Chou told The Financial Times. In the interview late Chou noticed that mobile technology is a key segment for HTC and it fits in making smartphones.

HTC previously worked at a smart watch, but Chou is still too early to say when they re a smart watch car. The argument he gives for this is that the smart watch market is still early and that it mainly consists of early versions and gimmicks. Chou: ” The device must meet a need, otherwise it’s just a concept and you can not use it daily. This creates an opportunity for us.”

Chou states that smart watches will happen when the smart phones the same. “People laughed at us when we released the first smartphone. Today everyone has a smartphone, and I think that smart watches will happen, the same rate but the potency of the product on the products that are on sale now.”

Besides smatwatch would also bring the company a tablet on the market. Chet Wang, chairman of HTC, HTC says that the tablet market is disturbing. According to him, there are therefore many devices where innovation is possible, such as a tablet. “Innovation is not only smart watches for.”

HTC working on tablet and smart watch

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