Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HTC is working on tablet and smart watch - NU.nl

Photo: AFP

That says Chou opposite The Financial Times . The HTC director hint in the interview to a tablet and portable device that is probably a smart watch.

“Wearable technology is a key segment for us,” says Chou. “It fits with what we do today and our mobile experience overall. It is an area where we are excited about.”

HTC has previously worked on a smart watch, but Chou thinks it is still too early to say when they re going to develop a smart watch:. “the smart watch market consists mainly of early versions and gimmicks Operation is subject to meet a need, otherwise it’s just a concept and you can not use it daily. This creates an opportunity for us. “

“People laughed at us when we released the first smartphone. Today everyone has a smartphone. I think that smart watches will happen, the same rate but the potency of the product on the products that are currently available,” Chou said.

HTC also plans to release a tablet. market “When a HTC tablet will come something beautiful that will disrupt the market,” said Chet Wang, president at the Taiwanese company. “There are many devices where innovation is possible. This ubiquitous intelligence is not only smart watches for.”

Smart Watches have been around since the 80s: An Overview

See our review of the Galaxy Gear and Sony SmartWatch 2

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