Monday, October 21, 2013

. The latest news on the first -

Photo: Bloomberg

Chou has transferred part of its work. He now focuses more on innovation and the products of HTC. This would be necessary in order to improve.

the weak position which the HTC is located

In an interview with the Financial Times HTC’s CEO says he has a much better focus in recent months. “Before that, I was too busy. I did too many things. I must be more focus on innovation and our product,” says Chou.

Co-founder and Chairman Cher Wang is now much more active in the company. She takes the sales and marketing departments for its own account and is responsible for relationships with suppliers.

Chou CEO of HTC since 2004 and is the last time under fire. The company posted first quarter loss ever and sees its market share evaporate on the smartphone market. Shifting tasks would be temporary.

Peter Chou, CEO of HTC Europe, gave earlier that the company is in a bad position because products were substandard and due to the limited portfolio. The Taiwanese phone maker has this year include the One, One and One Mini Max released.


HTC reinvents herself

See our review: HTC best smartphone of the moment

Read our review of the HTC One Mini

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