Friday, June 7, 2013

HTC uncertain future, now seems sinking ship - Techzine (Blog)

If we are to believe the messages from HTC then, the company has had a difficult start to the year, but the company is now very successful in selling the HTC One and the future is rosy. We have our doubts about it, however, and given the strong impression that HTC can ever going to be the smartphone war.

Early this year, the victim was by HTC HTC One proudly presented a new high-end smartphone, with a completely new design, a new Sense interface and this was going to be competitive with the iPhone, the Galaxy smartphones from Samsung and other manufacturers. We were also very impressed with the design of the device, in appearance and specifications it was indeed no wrong smartphone. But since this presentation, the company went downhill fast.

We are now almost half a year passed and the HTC One just for one week or six slightly in stock in the Netherlands. Thus, the company was struggling to produce enough handsets HTC could not get enough cameras. The manufacturers of semi-finished products would not see HTC as one of the most important customers, HTC has declined in status since the last year sales have declined considerably. The result is that if there are defects or a huge demand that these manufacturers first supply their largest customers and then to HTC. This resulted in the HTC One (review) in a shortage of cameras.

Meanwhile, HTC has also lost a lawsuit from Nokia, which showed that the microphone used in the HTC HTC One is designed and patented by Nokia. HTC may get this microphone is not supplied and must be replaced. Although the microphone (yet) for delay has resulted in the delivery of the HTC One has the camera that certainly, this is also reflected in the results of HTC for the first quart er, the company knew just making a profit .

We can say that the introduction of the HTC One to say the least not smoothly. But now it seems the problems surrounding the flagship HTC or under to have control. Contrast

The Taiwanese manufacturer does not seem to have the entire company under control. Have as many as seven people with a top job quit their jobs the last two months and almost all of them have also left the company. One of these seven has even called on Twitter to leave.

The companyHowever

Experience shows that if there is a large range of top people at a company, big changes are coming. A bankruptcy, an acquisition, in any case much unrest. The smartphone war will allow his first victim. Motorola was also previously close, but is saved with the big money from Google.

Who’s gonna save HTC when it comes to that? Lenovo? Acer? Who knows. In any case, it is obvious that HTC just will not go away. The position and relationships that the company currently has at retailers, providers and distributors is very valuable for large companies that the smartphone market is still resolve to conquer.

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