Monday, June 24, 2013

HTC promises 'return' on smartphone market -

Photo: / Joost Nederpelt

During a shareholders CEO Peter Chou said that HTC will come.

top again

In 2011, the company had about 9 percent of the global smartphone market. Then things went wrong. Last year, HTC came out at about 4 percent and now needs to grow to 15 percent.

The Taiwanese company wants to achieve including the One, the new flagship of HTC. Also, the company issuing the coming months many other smartphones.

One is so far well received and would also sell well. “Give us some time and we will return,” says Chou. “We will do our best twice as hard to expand. Our brand and the loyalty of our customers,”

Read our review: HTC best smartphone of the moment

Read all about the new HTC products

By: / Colin Angle

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