Tuesday, June 11, 2013

AW Bits 11-06: Google Glass, Optimus and HTC Butterfly S - Android World

The AW Bits we combine small news items today with a new video from Google Glass, the announcement of the HTC Butterfly S and the Optimus name will not be used for high-end devices from LG.

HTC Butterfly S

According to rumor, the HTC Butterfly S announce on June 19. There is still relatively little known about the specifics, but it would make sense if these new Butterfly in any case, have the new features of HTC Sense, such as Blink Feed, Zoe and more.

class=”c1″ src=”http://cdn2.androidworld.nl/12bd3e3d1e/media/butterfly.png”

Via: Sogi

Google Glass demo video search

In the video below, created by Google developer Mike LeBeau and product marketing manager Amanda Rosenberg, shows how Glass can be using 20 queries. use in everyday life Curious Google Glass, please check our hands-on.

name Optimus not for high-end devices

LG has announced that they are no longer going to use the apparatus of the upper segment, called Optimus will move to the middle. named Optimus What name is going to be for the end devices from LG then fed is not yet known.

class=”c1″ src=”http://cdn2.androidworld.nl/12bd3e3d1e/media/optimus.jpg”

Via: Phone Arena

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Ruud Caris

Founder of Androidworld.nl, gadget lover, Redbull drinker and Android enthusiast. Started with the ADP (G1 version), now including Nexus 4, Nexus Nexus 7 and 10.

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