Wednesday, June 26, 2013

AW Bits 26-06: Feedly on their own feet, HTC One of gold, OUYA sold ... - Android World

Feedly from Google Reader

Feedly was one of the first who responded to the announcement by Google that the company would stop the Reader. They have done everything to the dazed Google Reader addicts a new home has to offer. There was a one-click migration tool, it introduced a title page only because it was so nice to the Google Reader and now is the Cloud Feedly active. The latter can Feedly now all operate independently and more former users of the Google Reader included in the ranks.


Source: Feedly Blog


HTC One of gold, fits nicely with your Bling-Bling

HTC One has for many already unique design and that is mainly due to the stylish metal finish. But there are always people who want more and more often also expensive. For those, the company three special versions made the flagship of HTC. Ale you have the gold rush or too much money in your pocket you can choose from: A golden HTC One of $ 2,900, a pink gold HTC One $ 3,073 and a platinum HTC One of $ 3,227. Katjingggggg …


Source: Gold Genie

OUYA sold in the selling, within a day.

We have often written about the Android Gaming Console furore on Kickstarter by very quickly and a lot of money to pick. This tiny hack-able console has gone last week in the sale by including and Best Buy where this piece of fun for $ 100 was sold out very fast.

And that’s good for OUYA, but less good for those who already supported the project last year by a pre-order places and still have not received. their copy The latter group also includes undersigned and now wants ever to get started.



The new logo of Motorola Mobility

Motorola Mobility has a new logo, at least they’ve got a few things changed in the old logo. The logo with the famous M remains, but has been given a new look. In any case, the font is changed to lower case.

Motorola Mobility

the font is substituted for something modern and the name Motorola has the caption ‘a Google company. Also appeared on the logo below. Possibly the logo in multiple colors used to indicate to which part of Motorola Mobility is involved.


Source: The Verge

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Dim Wing

Co-Founder, entrepreneur, first phone was a Panasonic on the ATF network, Android from the first minute. Entrepreneur, creative and social over-active on twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Galaxy Nexus, Transformer, Nexus 7, Nexus 4

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