Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Former employees start new HTC smartphone brand - NieuweMobiel.NL

Two former employees have a new HTC smartphone brand started called Kazam. The intention is to make a smartphone “beautiful design, robust hardware and intuitive technology, underpinned by improved customer service.”

Michael Coombes and James Atkins left last March at HTC. Coombes was head of sales while marketing Atkins took for his account. Both believe that there is room for a new brand by primarily serve local markets. Kazam will spend this year in Europe phones to the man, presumably under Android. The company aims in particular by supporting models build a long existence.

Kazam Soon Kazam smartphones in the pocket?

It is not the first spinoff of former employees of a telecom giant. Previously was a group of former Nokia employees to work with MeeGo and brings now called Jolla phones to the man.


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