Thursday, July 4, 2013

"Two new Nokia and HTC smartphones leaked '- Techzine

on a leaked list of the German telecom operator O2 in total to officially have not yet been announced. finding four devices It involves two devices from Nokia and two handsets of HTC. There were already more rumors but now they dive has also been on the telecom, indicating a fairly rapid introduction.

the list we find include the HTC One Mini back, a device which now even though photos are leaked. This unit is not very surprising, but the HTC One Max, another device that reportedly gets a screen of 5.9 inches and so will exceed the normal HTC One greater. The HTC Max One is called phablet and must compete deal with phablets from other manufacturers, such as the Galaxy Note II (review) by Samsung, the Asus Fonepad (review) and the Sony Xperia S Ultra.

Also written by Nokia are on the list to find. two devices A device with the codename EROS and code-named Mars. We suspect that EROS is a typo since times already rumors about the Nokia Lumia EOS, a smarphone which would feature the PureView lens and a 41 megapixel camera. It is expected that this unit next week in New York will be presented. The other device is the Lumia Mars, this is actually still unknown.

What is noteworthy is that this list has been leaked by a German telecom operator, namely O2. We consider the probability thus also a lot bigger than that all four of these devices will eventually also appear in the Benelux. When the devices will be announced or will appear unclear, both companies did not respond to rumors. Nokia presents possible next week the 11th of July in New York the new devices.

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