Friday, July 5, 2013

Profit figures HTC and Samsung lower than expected - Android World

Profit figures


We note that HTC still makes a profit and no loss and that is a very important factor. Only this profit compared to last year plummeted.

The first quarter was dramatic but saw in May HTC sales increase significantly. The figures for the second quarter are therefore a lot better with a profit of $ 41 million thick, but to put everything into perspective: that is still 83% less than the year before


It is clear that HTC still has a long way to go, but can take hope from the fact that the HTC One the downward movement has been able to stop it. The coming months will be expanded range of HTC including the HTC One Mini and HTC One Max, creating a wider audience will be drawn.

Profit figures


Samsung is in a whole different situation. The company sells more and faster than ever but even that is not enough for the analysts. Everyone is accustomed to astronomical growth and earnings from Samsung. This did is made of 75% within the smartphone division. Therefore there are very high (perhaps unrealistic) expectations expressed by analysts and investors. The figures for the second quarter of 2013 are likely to fall 48% higher, but we expected more. Furthermore, one is not to mention the fact that profits for the most part in the smartphone division comes from. Now the results there are less than predicted, although they are still very good, making investors worried.

Samsung does not meet these expectations and so analysts screaming bloody murder, this in turn means that the Samsung shares fell on the stock market. This seems still panic over nothing, because Samsung is and remains master of the smartphone market. Exact figures for the second quarter of Samsung will be announced later this month.

Sources: HTC: Samsung AS Source:

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Dim Wing

Co-Founder, entrepreneur, first phone was a Panasonic on the ATF network, Android from the first minute. Entrepreneur, creative and social over-active on twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Galaxy Nexus, Transformer, Nexus 7, Nexus 4

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