Thursday, December 5, 2013

HTC One max vs Samsung Galaxy S4 review - All About Phones

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is preliminary master on the Android Market and for each new high-endtelefoon a major competitor. One of these new devices is the HTC One max, we put in front of the S4 in this video.

Apart from the screen size, the two terms of specifications pretty much away from each other. One example, the max and Galaxy S4 both have a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 600 are both equipped with a Full HD screen. Both devices run on the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean on time and got a fierce custom shell of their manufacturer. The screen size differs somewhat: the S4 has a 5 “screen while the One max a 5.9″ screen has. Also in the camera is the necessary difference: One max has a 4-megapixel camera as by HTC “branded UltraPixel’-camera, the S4 has a ‘normal’ 13-megapixel camera


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