Friday, August 9, 2013

AW Forum Bits Week 32: HTC One 4.2.2 update, delete photos from Gallery and ... - Android World

The Forum Bits we explain a number of topics from the Android World Forum. Today we draw attention to the 4.2.2 update for the HTC One, delete photos from the Gallery app and install Xiaomi MIUI Dutch devices.

HTC One Android 4.2.2 update experiences

A few weeks ago, when users of the HTC One update to Android 4.2.2 inside. Upon installation showed that there were problems with the internet settings which one did not connect to the internet. This was to correct manually but HTC still decided to stop the update. Now the problem is fixed and HTC has resumed the update. On the Android World Forum a topic where people reported the connection problem and the solution. Runs What are your experiences or do you spend on this update, else go to the HTC One update topic.

HTC One 4.2.2 Update

Images from Gallery app removal

forum is the question received on how to remove. graphics in a folder In the Gallery app is namely the pictures are automatically uploaded, you can automatically upload it off but the conscious pictures can not be deleted. Do you have this problem too or do you know the solution, please report it on the forum in the topic.


Xiaomi MIUI Dutch on devices

Xiaomi makes highend devices that are becoming increasingly popular due to the low price. In the Netherlands there is a group of users and because they like to have standing, the Dutch language on his device has AW’er Wes1908 written a manual on how to install Xiaomi sets the Dutch language.


Who is …..

forum is one often curious about the person behind the username, so we went with an entry “Who is ….” started. For two weeks we will have the opportunity to ask questions to a AW’er and so to learn more about the person behind that username. More This time you can ask questions to jwhoutepen.

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Patrick Klijzing

Mega-nerd who from the very existence loves Android. Leisure adminstrator on the Android World Forum. Additionally secretly in love with Penny from The Big Bang Theory.

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