Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Design new HTC One 'bigger step forward "than competition - NU.nl

Photo: Bloomberg

That tells Scott Croyle, vice president of design at HTC, in an interview with NUtech.nl.

“announcements at Mobile World Congress are ok, but our launch will be a bigger step forward in terms of design in late March”, promises Croyle. On March 25, the new HTC One show.

During Mobile World Congress (MWC) Samsung Galaxy S5 showed (hands-on) and Sony Xperia Z2 (hands-on). Both devices are very similar to their predecessors.



Croyle is not necessary “do want to feel something new to keep. fixed, but people” every year the design of the flagship to throw

leaked in recent weeks on several images of the new HTC One. Then we see that just very similar to the previous One in design. Smartphone

HTC brings the design of the One this year for the cheaper Desire handsets. According Croyle go phones too much alike especially because the front is the same, but the finish, buttons and material are very different.


whether there is a new Nexus phone from HTC comes Croyle does not respond immediately. HTC in 2010 was the first made with Google Nexus phone that was equipped with a bare version of Android.

“We’re always open to a partnership with Google. We want to help them to bring Android. continue”

Review: HTC best smartphone of the moment

See details and leaked photos of the new HTC One

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