Sunday, September 29, 2013

HTC Butterfly 2 would be waterproof flagship - All About Phones

The HTC Butterfly is outside Asia never became really popular, and the successor Butterfly S either. Yet these were quite impressive handsets and has now published information about a third device in this series, the Butterfly 2.

The first Butterfly was announced about a year ago. It was the first smartphone with a 1080p screen. In Japan and Taiwan, the plane was sold reasonable, but in other parts of the world was long but sparsely available.

The Butterfly 2 promises like the first two butterflies HTC again to deliver. Firm specifications A 800 Snapdragon processor, 5.2-inch screen and another screen-p 1080, reports a Taiwanese site. The new HTC superphonezou also waterproof, which until now has been the case only on the latest smartphones and tablets from Sony.

About the camera and speakers is leaked no information, nor on the battery. It is expected that the Butterfly 2 officially launched

in January

HTC Butterfly S The HTC Butterfly S

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