Thursday, September 5, 2013

"Designers steel HTC trade secrets for Chinese church" -

The designers from HTC which last week arrested ontvreemdden trade secrets from their employer to play in the Chinese city of Chengdu, such as claims by a Taiwanese magazine. In return, the municipality would support the development of their business.

Chengdu would include any financial contribution to the establishment of the company, its running and marketing it, claiming the magazine Next Magazine, which is distributed in Taiwan and Hong Kong. It is not clear whether the suspects managed to actually trade secrets to playing. A spokesman for Chengdu explained to Reuters not be the news.


It involved include Thomas Chien, vice president of product design department. Chien would be to busy with his possible accomplices a design for smartphones in China to set up. HTC would have found that the designer several times flew to Chengdu this year, the suspect writes Engadget. In the car Chien would be an amount of 7.8 million Taiwan dollars found, converted almost 200,000 euros in bills of 1000 Taiwan dollar.

Saturday, a total of five HTC employees arrested in the case. Besides Chien went to Wu Chien Hung, head of the R & D branch, and Justin Huang, who designed the HTC One. Of them are still attached and Wu Chien. It would include documents about the HTC Sense 6.0 interface are passed on to email contacts Chien, but it is unknown whether this also ended up in the Chinese municipal authorities.

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