Saturday, February 8, 2014

Greetings from Hoofddorp: "The little HTC within the sport an appealing ... -

REGION | February 9, 2014 | comment |

HOOFDDORP – Patrick de Vries (34) has lived since 1986 in Hoofddorp, first Overbos and from 2006 Floriande. Patrick is an active member of the Hoofddorpse Tennis Club (HTC), but does it have regular training. Head Dorper cycle next summer from the equator to the south, to the north of Argentina. With his action, he is sponsoring the MS Fund.

‘Albert Heijn Polderplein is for me the most pleasant place to do shopping. It is a neat and organized store where I really like to come. With the clear layout of the store shelves and is shopping a lot easier. “

fashion store
” The majority of my I buy clothes at ZARA (Marktlaan 1-4), as the dimensions, etc. suitable for me personally. “

‘ In Restaurant Stock Exchange (Way of the Cross in 1007) I’ve been working for years with pleasure in the ministry. “

” In elementary school The Clematis (photo) in Overbos I have my period through elementary school and then I went to KSH (Assumburg 10). In both schools, I felt very at ease. In addition to an open and clear structure, there is sufficient space at both schools to develop your own creativity. “

‘More Live ( photo) I think a typical small Village Main Event. “

” Despite the relatively small range of nature, I think it Haarlemmermeerse Forest (photo) lovely for walking or running. “

” I’ve been active for years a member of the Hoofddorpse Tennis Club, is a relatively small association in Hoofddorp Haarlemmermeer, but within the table tennis sport an appealing name. “

“I like cinema and music venue CineMeerse Duycker a great asset to ‘our’ village. Hoofddorp finally has its own nightlife, where you as the attracting attractive and appealing trade shows take place. “

‘next summer I’m chasing my dream bike and I bike from the equator to the south, to the north of Argentina. In part, my commitment to the fair unknown MS fund sponsor. The Fund is the national organization for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease of the central nervous system. More than 16,000 people in our country have to do with the condition. More information can be found on the Internet using or via / patrick onthe bike. “

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