top designers of phone manufacturer HTC, including the creator of the design of the successful HTC One, were arrested by police in Taiwan. They are suspected of theft and fraud.
Five people were arrested and interrogated. The most important of the five is vice president of product design Thomas Chien. Other suspects are research and development boss Wu Hung Chein and leader of the design team Justin Huang, the creator of the design of the HTC One.
Wu Chien and detained. The other three were released on bail after a first hearing. Their offices have been searched by the police. The action of the police in the Taiwanese capital Taipei came after a complaint from Chairman Cher Wang of HTC. She has personally filed suit against her five employees, because they had learned that they had committed fraud and the company had stolen. The quintet was already planning to leave HTC and they were working behind with the creation of their own business on the Chinese mainland. She wanted to leave immediately after receiving their semi-annual bonus at HTC. HoweverHTC caught Chien to steal trade secrets. He was secretly all files on future HTC Sense 6.0 design is downloading. He then sent those files to external contacts via email.
In addition, three of the five defendants accused of fraud. They would HTC 334,000 dollars have charged for the design of the aluminum chassis of the HTC One. They claimed that this was devised for this purpose had sent. A bill for $ 334,000 by an external company That was not so, she had conceived the design itself and divided that amount among themselvesHTC makes no representations regarding the issue.. ” The case is under investigation by the authorities and we refrain from comment”, says the only response that the company would lose.
Images of the arrest on the Taiwanese television appeared. Which are shown below.